Shungite GOLOD PYRAMIDS With Metatron's Cube
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Since ancient times, pyramids have been considered powerful sacred structures. It is believed that a pyramid shape harnesses, amplifies, and focuses higher-vibrational energies through its apex.
This unique pyramid shape, created by a famous Russian scientist, Alexander Golod, is known to harness and amplify positive life-giving vibrations of subtle energy & restructuring and harmonizing the environment within its range.
According to Russian research, a Golod Pyramid positively effects energetic fields of various biological forms, including the human body. It reinforces strength, reduces stress & anxiety, and installs the sense of well-being
Its design is based on the Divine Proportion – the ratio of one side of its square base to its height equals 2,05817, and the angle between the pyramid faces is ≈ 27,3°, which creates its characteristic sharp pointed look. More on the Golden Ratio here.
Incorporating these pyramids into your physical space will help to regulate and strengthen the energy field, correcting imbalances and shielding from electromagnetic radiation. The larger the room, the bigger the pyramid should be to be effective.
Metatron’s Cube, a sacred geometry symbol is a 2-dimensional image of the 3-dimensionality of space represents earth, air, water, fire, & spirit, the building blocks of the universe. It symbolizes the unity of the finite with the infinite and is often used in meditation to amplify energy flow and connect to balanced state within.
A fun fact - Metatron’s Cube is also a holy glyph that was used to ward off demons and negative spirits.
See "Sizes" for the effective influence radius of different pyramids.
The larger the room, the bigger the pyramid should be to be effective.
- for EMF protection place a pyramid close to your electronic devices or next to power outlets around your house
- for re-energizing your vital force, place it on a specific area of your body
- gently press the pyramid point into fingertips and palm to stimulate hand chakras
- 3 cm base x 6 cm tall, approx. 1.2" - Range of influence up to 3.5' (1.1 m)
- 5 cm base x 10 cm tall, approx. 1.96" - Range of influence up to 9.2' (2.8 m)
Shungite is a natural mineral with scientifically tested abilities to purify water & air, and guard against harmful EMFs. Considered to be a powerful 1st Chakra stone, it is grounding and protective, helps to relieve stress, boost energy and balance body and mind.
Shungite's complex chemical composition and carbon-based fullerene internal structure are responsible for its amazing properties - the ability to purify water and to detoxify on the physical and subtle energy levels by absorbing toxic energies.
All our Shungite is sourced directly from Karelia, Russia and is tested for authenticity.
This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.